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13 Ways To Boost Work Productivity In Meetings

Frerik Bongers
Updated: May 29, 2024
Published: May 27, 2024
productive meetings

Meetings are an essential part of a professional environment. For example, to advise clients, make decisions or foster collaboration. But without the right structure, strategies and equipment, a meeting can be unproductive. And that is a waste of time and effort. Do you hold meetings and want to know how you make them productive? In this article, we give you 13 tips to boost work productivity in meetings which ensures success.

A shortlist of 13 ways to create productive meetings:

How do you create productive meetings?

1. Define the purpose of the meeting

First, it is important to clearly define the purpose and desired outcome of the meeting beforehand. Do you want to give advice? Make a business decision? Or to mediate between two parties? Defining the purpose and outcome of the meeting beforehand will ensure that the meeting is more focused and efficient.

2. Create an agenda

Do you have a clear vision of your goal? Then it’s time to create an agenda. A well-structured agenda is essential for a productive meeting. Think of it as a road map to help you achieve your goal. Make sure that all the topics that need to be discussed are clearly included in the agenda. This doesn’t have to be a long agenda, just a few points is enough. Finally, share the items on the agenda in advance so that everyone knows what is expected of them.

3. Have someone run the meeting

Make sure that someone takes the lead in the meeting. This could be you or somebody else. The ‘leader’ facilitates the meeting. This means making sure the meeting starts and ends on time, and that only relevant topics are discussed. Poor punctuality can affect satisfaction and work productivity. A good leader can make a significant difference.

4. Invite the right people

The next step is to think about whom to invite. Be selective and invite only the people who are essential to the meeting. For example, those who must make decisions. Why? Because the bigger the meeting is, the less productive it will be. So choose carefully who should attend.

5. Choose a suitable date and location

Are the purpose, agenda, leader, and invitees clear? Then it is time to choose a date and location for the meeting. An off-site location will make for a more productive meeting, as the participants will be out of their day-to-day (hybrid) environment. It will also be a neutral place to meet in person. With Wezoo, you can quickly and easily book an external meeting room for the day, time, and place you want.

6. Ensuring all supplies

Being prepared makes the difference. So make sure that you have all the materials you will need ready in advance. Are you going to present? Place the document where it will be easy to find (folder or email), so the presenter does not have to search for minutes. Remember to provide office supplies such as pens and notebooks to enable people to make notes immediately. At Wezoo’s marketplace, you can use the facilities filter to find venues that offer different supplies. For example, flipovers and video conferencing setup.

7. Provide food and/or drinks

Participants who are hungry or thirsty are less able to concentrate, which reduces the productivity of a meeting. Providing food and/or drinks not only shows your hospitality, it also creates a more relaxed atmosphere. Many off-site meeting venues offer a catering service so that both you and the participants can be taken care of. At Wezoo’s marketplace, you can use the facilities filter to find venues that offer coffee and tea, and a catering service.

wezoo facility filter
Wezoo’s facility filters for Coffee and Tea included, and Catering.

8. Set ground rules

Consider setting some ground rules. Mobile phones distract people from focusing on the meeting’s purpose. So ask people not to use personal devices during the meeting. But also consider ground rules such as when it is appropriate to interrupt, ask questions or raise concerns. This will ensure a more organised and productive session.

9. Take enough breaks

The concentration span of most people is between 45 and 60 minutes. After that, productivity levels drop. So make sure to take breaks for a better focus. Allow participants to stretch their legs or get a refill on their coffee. This will give them a chance to regain their energy levels for their well-being.

10. Ensure participants understand jargon

Did you know that jargon significantly reduces the productivity of a meeting? For example, if you are talking about a technical term and your participants do not understand what you are talking about, they will be disengaged from the meeting. So avoid jargon or explain the term if it is necessary for the context. Consider creating a Q&A and sharing it with guests before the meeting. This will prevent confusion, and you ensure everyone is on the same page.

11. Make a to-do-list of follow-up actions 

Meetings always have an objective. Without a follow-up, nothing will happen. In other words, the meeting was not productive. So, just before the end of the meeting, have a discussion about the follow-up actions and, if necessary, make a task list of them. For example, assign a time and owner for each action item. Everyone is on the same page and actions are taken care of to achieve the goal.

12. Share relevant documents after the meeting

Has the meeting come to an end? Sharing relevant documents will help people to remember what has been discussed and will act as a reference point for the future. It also ensures that people feel engaged and productive in any follow-up meeting. So share a recording of the presentation, the presentation itself, notes or other important documents.

13. Ask for feedback

Last but not least: ask for feedback. What went well? And what can be done better? Are there any concerns or roadblocks? Ask for feedback at the end of the meeting. Or distribute a short (anonymous) questionnaire afterwards. By learning from each meeting, you can continue to improve productivity.

Increase work productivity during meetings with business meeting venues

As a professional, you perform a wide range of tasks. This keeps your work varied and busy. So you want to manage your time as efficiently as possible. Even when it comes to meetings. You want to make sure your work productivity is up. The 13 tips in this article will help you to create productive meetings. From setting objectives at the beginning to asking for feedback at the end.

Are you looking for a dedicated space for meetings, training sessions or large projects that will boost productivity? With Wezoo you can book an external business meeting venue. You choose the date, time and place, and we take care of everything else.

Picture of Frerik Bongers
Frerik Bongers
Making hard problems simple. I have no patience for complex solutions, so our customers shouldn’t either.
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